
PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.S3 is a plugin that allows other pibox components to do interact witha s3 compatible storage.


To install the nuget package follow these steps:

dotnet add package PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.S3

or add as package reference to your .csproj

<PackageReference Include="PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.S3" Version="" />


Configure your appsettings.yml with these properties

  Endpoint: ""
  AccessKey: ""
  SecretKey: ""
  Region: ""
  UseSsl: true


public interface IExampleService
    Task PutObjectAsync();
    Task GetObjectAsync();
    Task DeleteObjectAsync()

public class ExampleService : IExampleService
    private readonly IBlobStorage _blobStorage;

    // retrieve the registered service IBlobStorage from the DI container via depentency injection
    public ExampleService(IBlobStorage blobStorage)
        _blobStorage = blobStorage;

    // put/update a (new) object into the s3 storage
    public async Task PutObjectAsync()
        var sampleDataBlobObject = new SampleDataBlobObject();
        sampleDataBlobObject.Bucket = "BucketName";
        sampleDataBlobObject.Key = "Key";
        sampleDataBlobObject.MetaData = new() { { BlobMetaData.ContentType, "application/pdf" } };
        sampleDataBlobObject.Data = SampleDataBlobObject.GenerateStreamFromString("my-fancy-file-content");

        var result = await _blobStorage.PutObjectAsync(sampleDataBlobObject);

    // retrieve a object from the s3 storage
    public async Task GetObjectAsync()
        var result = await _blobStorage.GetObjectAsync("bucketName", "Key", CancellationToken.None);
        var fileContent = new StreamReader(result.Value.Data).ReadToEnd();

    // delete a object from the s3 storage
    public async Task DeleteObjectAsync()
        var result = await blobStorage.DeleteObjectAsync("BucketName", "Key", CancellationToken.None);

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