
PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.EntityFramework is a plugin that allows other PiBox components to use the entityframework core to interact with certain databases.


To install the nuget package follow these steps:

dotnet add package PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.EntityFramework

or add as package reference to your .csproj

<PackageReference Include="PiBox.Plugins.Persistence.EntityFramework" Version="" />


Configure your appsettings.yml with these properties

Postgres for example

  host: "localhost"
  db: "samplePostgresDb"
  port: "5432"
  password: "postgres"
  user: "postgres"


public class NpgsqlDbConfiguration
    public string Host { get; set; } = null!;
    public int Port { get; set; }
    public string Database { get; set; } = null!;
    public string User { get; set; } = null!;
    public string Password { get; set; } = null!;

Configuration in your plugin host

public class PluginReadme : IPluginEndpointsConfiguration, IPluginServiceConfiguration, IPluginApplicationConfiguration, IPluginControllerConfiguration, IPluginHealthChecksConfiguration
    private readonly NpgsqlDbConfiguration _npgsqlDbConfiguration;

    public PluginReadme(NpgsqlDbConfiguration npgsqlDbConfiguration)
        _npgsqlDbConfiguration = npgsqlDbConfiguration;

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
        var connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(_npgsqlDbConfiguration);
        serviceCollection.AddEfContext<WebHostSamplePluginDbContext>(options => options.UseNpgsql(connectionString));

    public void ConfigureApplication(IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder)
        // ensure your database gets initialized setup your EFCore migrations in your project and call
        // or call

    private static string ConnectionStringBuilder(NpgsqlDbConfiguration configuration)
        return (new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder()
        { Host = configuration.Host, Database = configuration.Database, Username = configuration.User, Password = configuration.Password, Port = configuration.Port }).ConnectionString;


internal class SamplePluginDbContext : DbContext, IDbContext<MyPoco>
    public SamplePluginDbContext(DbContextOptions<SamplePluginDbContext> options) : base(options) { }

    public DbContext GetContext() => this;

    public DbSet<MyPoco> GetSet() => Set<MyPoco>();

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<MyPoco>(e =>
            e.HasKey(x => x.Id);
            e.Property(x => x.Id).IsRequired();

public interface IExampleService
    void DoStuff();

public class ExampleService : IExampleService
    private readonly IReadRepository<MyPoco> _readRepository;

    public ExampleService(IReadRepository<MyPoco> readRepository)
        _readRepository = readRepository;
    public async Task DoStuff()
        // for example
        var result = await _readRepository.FindByIdAsync();

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